Spot00248.pngExporting MVR files



Export MVR

File > Export

The Export MVR command allows lighting and scene designs created in Vectorworks to be exported to a lighting console or visualizer to program a show. The scene elements can be edited directly from a visualizer. These edits, including new objects, object movements, and modified fixture data, can then be merged with the Vectorworks drawing to update the scene. See Importing MVR for more information.

2D objects are not supported by MVR.

You can also export a file to .mvr and open it directly in Vision; see Exporting to Vision.

To export a .mvr file:

Select the command.

The Export MVR File dialog box opens.

Select the desired export options.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select which objects to export to the .mvr file.

All objects in drawing exports all objects.

Selected objects exports only the currently selected objects.

Visible objects exports only the currently visible objects.

Object Types

Select which type(s) of objects to export to the .mvr file. The available objects depend on the contents of the drawing and the selected export options.

A check mark to the left of each Object Type indicates that it will be exported; click in the Export column to remove a check mark. Count indicates how many objects of each type are present in the drawing.

Fixture Types

Lists the fixtures that will be exported to the .mvr file and displays an item count for each fixture type. The fixtures to export must have a specified fixture mode; see Selecting a fixture mode for details.

Specify the export file name and destination.

Workflow: Visualizer data exchange

Lighting device properties

Changing device properties

Visualizer data mapping